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ok im finely regearing the old jeep yessss!!! it realy needed it 3.55 with 34s a little sluggish to say the least. i decided 4.88s would be what i will go with im gonna do the install myself ive installed my lockers and been doing a lttle research i think i can do it .any suggetions or precautions from any one would be appreatated half the fun is the install
I've heard nothing but "take it to the mechanic for gears". If you go down that road, please post pictures/info/gotchas for the others of us brazen enough to give it a try.
Advice...do alot of research and make sure you have the right tools. It's very important that the gears are installed correctly. You could end up removing and re-installing several times until you get it right. Gears are not plug and play.
It just takes time and the right tools and a little experiance. I did mine and I had to pull the cairer out bout 4-5 times each axle. But in the end its well worth it. If you dont think you are up to do the work yourself, then I agree. Take it to a Profesional. Gears and lockers, in my oppinion are the most invaluable and intricate of all 4X4 accesories. Thats my $0.02
I've heard nothing but "take it to the mechanic for gears". If you go down that road, please post pictures/info/gotchas for the others of us brazen enough to give it a try.
hey Gwjvw, Paul did his own gears, he said you just have to be patient. He used the instructions that came with the gear install/rebuild kit that he got for the gear change. it took him some time, but he said that once it's right, you know it. He said the hardest thing is just not giving up too early and making sure you have it right. His gears are fine, he's been running the set he put in for almost 9 months now....
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
well i got a book on rebuilding diffs been studing it for a while . ive enstalled my lockers that went well ive got all the tools . i think the main thing is patientce. need to get the correct pinion depth :wrench:well im a patient man i think i can pull it off . wish me luck my friend is a macanic just in case i need help so0 at least i got back up just in case
the chiepiest i found for install is 250 per axel plus parts gears ect. but most important is i learn and i enjoy working on it i like to wrench thanks for the advise and il cheak out that link on pirate this fri day is when im going to start il stay posted
I'll pass on this advice I've seen elsewhere too. Take the axle away from the heap... put it on some jackstands or something. This way you can just sit at the pumpkin and work on the gears. If you're on your back, uncomfortable you'll rush it and not have the patience to get it right. It'll help you have the patience to do it right and be more comfortable while you do the work even though there's more work up front.
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
I did mine with the axle out. It took awhile but over all it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Just read up and take your time to get it right and you will be glad you did it yourself.
well i got a book on rebuilding diffs been studing it for a while . ive enstalled my lockers that went well ive got all the tools . i think the main thing is patientce. need to get the correct pinion depth :wrench:well im a patient man i think i can pull it off . wish me luck my friend is a macanic just in case i need help so0 at least i got back up just in case
That's great. It's great feeling when you do an upgrade on your own vehicle. Good luck and take pictures. Post your progress.
Good luck to you. I'm getting ready to change my ring/pinion very soon (3.73 to 4.10). I don't have the tools so I will have my mechanic do it while I watch and learn. If anyone needs gears installed in the High Desert (Hesperia), Ken @ thejeepguyonline.com will do this for $150 per axle, labor only. You provide the parts.
hey thanks mitch man thats a real good price well my 4.88 gears r installed yesssssss!!!!man that is a lot of work but its well worth it i can use my 5th gear now in 5th on the freeway at 65 rpms are about 2500 not to bad in 4 lo bitchin!!! alot better than it was the break in period is 500 miles according to the inst. from yukon gear then change the oil went to 4 west got the gear to calabratethe speedo to thanks for the support this is a great site