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4x4 problems again...

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  • 4x4 problems again...

    Ok... for the longest time I didnt have 4x4 in my YJ, vacuum disconnect went out. I was going to get the cable disconnect, but I need 4x4 right now as i got stuck in my damn driveway this morning and it was ridiculous. So I found a temp fix for my 4x4... I only use it if I have to, and at slow/crawling speeds.

    ... I hope this makes sense... The way I temp fixed my 4x4 is I placed a steel spacer on the shaft that the engaging fork is on so that the fork wont move. I also disconnected the vacuum lines. Yes, I left all the clips and what-not in as well. End result... fork doesnt move so the sleeve doesnt disconnect the axles. Here... I made a pic!


    A) I have funny noises. First off when I engage the transfer case it makes a grinding/whirring noise. Doesnt make the noise in 2x4. Thinking its just low on fluid which I am going to check tomorrow once I can get to my garage (lots of snow), but any other ideas would be appreciated.

    B) I have a whistle noise that I hear at slow speeds, and stops when the vehicle stops. I had this noise before when the 4x4 was working, it went away when it wasnt working, now its back.

    C) I can hear a clicking noise at slow speeds that speeds up and slows with how fast I'm going. And I can feel it in the shifter. Noise stops when the vehicle stops. I had this noise for some time before the 4x4 actually went out, then after the 4x4 wouldnt engage the noise went away, now its back.

    D) When the front end gets too much torque it clunks and feels like something is slipping. I think it might be the sleeve that engages the front passenger axle but that was on as far as the fork would go. Now to me it didnt seem like it was enough, it covered about 1/4" on the intermediate shaft, but thats all the farther the fork would go. What else would be slipping?

    Anyone with any ideas shout em out. I need to get this fixed as I need to sell it. Dont worry... I'm getting another Jeep.
    Yellow 01 Sport
    4" Pro Comp lift | D44 | 33x12.5 Duratracs

  • #2
    I would start with a thorough visual inspection. There are a number of things that can make the noises you describe. Mine doesn't have the disconnect axle so I haven't worked on one. If the splines or the coupler shaft is worn from grinding and not engaging completely it may try to skip teeth. When gear teeth are worn they try to jump off of each other rather then push each other. They act like wedges instead of staying parallel to each other and pushing. I would think that there should be more than a 1/4 inch of engagement but Im not sure.You may be able to put the Transfer case in neutral and jack the front end up and rotate the wheels by hand and listen to any noises. You may need someone to help you while you listen and look at things. You want to check all the u joints. 2 on front axle, 2 or 3 on front drive shaft plus center ball? 2 on rear shaft. Hold the front wheels at full turn and rotate the wheel. The axle U joints will be at maximum flex then. My 2000 makes a little whirring noise when its in 4x4, its normal. Clicking and popping are not normal. You may want to buy a stethoscope to listen to the tc. I have put the vehicle on GOOD jack stands and run it to listen for noises. I had someone sitting in it and I was very careful. I didnt like the thought of my old body getting sucked into a 33'" trxus mt. I'm not recommending it but I do it. I just worked on a guys xj that was thinking about pulling his front hp30 because of noises. The front drive shaft cv was wasted. Much cheaper and easier then an axle swap.


    • #3
      Ok I have something new... the noise from my transfer case isnt the usual whirring noise you would normally hear... its a louder noise like you would hear when dragging cardboard across cement. But it snowed like a bitch today and its still snowing so I used the 4x4 today and found this out... the noise usually only happens when gas is applied. When it makes the noise if you let off the gas sometimes it will go away. When it does go away you hear a slick click noise then all noises go away except the usual whirring noise from 4x4. I havent had the chance to check the fluid yet... I have about 5ft of snow in front of my garage door and a car burried in the snow that needs to get moved before I can get in the garage... thats the plan tomorrow. Other than that something is still slipping when too much torque is applied... which right now doesnt take much to make it slip.
      Yellow 01 Sport
      4" Pro Comp lift | D44 | 33x12.5 Duratracs

