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Junkyard EFI swap

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  • Junkyard EFI swap

    Anyone ever done one? I just can't bring myself to pay $2,000 for a Mopar kit when there must be plenty of YJ's in junkyards just waiting for me to rip the top end off 'em and slap it on my 258. I have not found a good write up anywhere on doing this, i.e. - what to make sure you pull off the donor vehicle, how to deal with the ECU & hotter cam, etc. I am in the market for a 4.0L head also, so keep yer eyes peeled! The plan is to do the 4.0L head and a junkyard EFI swap, possibly adding a HESCO big bore throttle body, roller rockers, and maybe some home port & polish work. I will be documenting all of the trials and tribulations involved in the junkyard EFI swap along the way, so any tips or insight prior to starting this adventure would be very helpful.

    1986 CJ-7; 4.6L stroker, balanced & blueprinted; 5" lift, 35x1250 MTRs, Poison Spyder Full Width kit,
    My Jeep

    Moab Rocker Knocker Video:shades:

  • #2
    Hey rick, hang tight buddy. Depending on what I do with my XJ, I might have an extra motor, If I part it out that is. We'll work something out.

    We'll be in touch
    Ya Savvy?

    Motech Performance


    • #3
      i can sometimes get access to great deals on complete 4.0 engine...(for you) pm me for the price. you'll like it.

      95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


      • #4
        Ok, so I'm halfway there....I picked up the '94 4.0L from Erik yesterday. Everything from the oil pan to the harness, minus a computer. I have requested some info (per Jim79CJ7's advice) from They may have just what I'm looking for....a reasonably priced programmable unit. If they don't I may be in the market for an OBDII chip programmer. Last I knew, these were somewhere around $1k. I guess if there was enough interest in crankin out some horsees (I know Erik is in), I might do it. Then I can be the official MJR tuner. lol. I'll keep everyone posted on progress! Laters

        1986 CJ-7; 4.6L stroker, balanced & blueprinted; 5" lift, 35x1250 MTRs, Poison Spyder Full Width kit,
        My Jeep

        Moab Rocker Knocker Video:shades:


        • #5
          Got some more info today. does not sell or do custom programming unless you buy their TBI kit. Bummer. The stock MPFI computer on any 4.0L engine is supposedly up to the task of feeding even a 4.7L stroker, so I don't think I will have any problems with fuel/timing control anyhow. I *may* need larger injectors, we'll just wait and see on that one though. The larger injectors that Hesco sells are in the neighborhood of $500. What a rip. You do need these to feed a stroker.

          I talked to my favorite machine shop about the head work. I am dropping the head off there this weekend so they can look at the clearance for larger valves (oohh yeah!) I should have a budget price sometime next week. The plans include: Larger valves, cc the head to determine how much to shave off to get my desired compression ratio (probably 9.5:1). Optionally, I might have them do a bit of porting (depending on how much he thinks he can improve the flow), and maybe a set of roller *tip* rockers (not full rollers) - thanks to Jim for that distinction! Cripe, I still need a stock computer though, and they are running a couple hundy on E-bay....I'm off to the junkyard I think to find that one. And the quest continues....
          1986 CJ-7; 4.6L stroker, balanced & blueprinted; 5" lift, 35x1250 MTRs, Poison Spyder Full Width kit,
          My Jeep

          Moab Rocker Knocker Video:shades:


          • #6
            talk to this guy about the fuel injectors... i bought mine for like $125 from him new.
            i think he may have what you are looking for at a much better price.. and he lives right arround the corner from me too.

            95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


            • #7
              Right on, thanks man. He has the 24 lb/hr Bosch injectors also. I'm not sure if 19 lb/hr or 24 lb/hr is best for this application, I will find out or talk to him. If my calculations are correct, 24 lb/hr is good for like 300 hp, so I'm thinking 19 *might* be okay !

              24 lb/hr ÷ 49 lb/hr * 100 hp * 6 injectors = 293 hp

              Lots of good stuff on
              Found above info in a very good post about injector specs at:

              1986 CJ-7; 4.6L stroker, balanced & blueprinted; 5" lift, 35x1250 MTRs, Poison Spyder Full Width kit,
              My Jeep

              Moab Rocker Knocker Video:shades:


              • #8
                that is what i got from him.. the 19# injectors
                also... if you dont see what you want from him... just ask him. i think he has access to more than he lists

                95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rick
                  I *may* need larger injectors, we'll just wait and see on that one though. The larger injectors that Hesco sells are in the neighborhood of $500. What a rip. You do need these to feed a stroker.

                  Have you considered suing FMS 24-lb/hr injectors instead? They fit right in the head and don't run $500 a set either. I put them in my stroker head and have had good luck with them so far. And you can order them through any ford dealership. I don't recall the part number right off hand but I can look into it if time allows me...

                  Just my 2 cents
                  88 Cherokee Chief--My FIRST one!!!

                  87 Cherokee Laredo--My FAST one!!!


                  • #10

                    Well, here's the list of stuff I need, some of which I have ordered:

                    - Fuel pump and lines
                    - Distributor or the direct coil setup that was originally on the engine (it wasn't on the engine I got)
                    - Computer - I have bid on a couple on e-bay, but lost
                    - Throttle body
                    - Throttle cable
                    - Crank Position Sensor
                    - Bracket for CPS (Mopar part from MPI kit, I ordered this)
                    - Harmonic balancer (Mopar, ordered it)
                    - Wiring harness (Mopar, ordered it - $380!!!)

                    I bought the harness because after piecing together the various harness bits that came with the engine, I began to realize the vast amount of time that would be required to splice all of the firewall wiring into the new EFI harness. This would have been a major PITA, not to mention that every piece of wire in my engine compartment right now should probably be replaced anyhow. A quick estimate of the total cost of all the above stuff is right at $1000. I think this keeps me well below the $2500 they are asking for the Mopar kit right now, as I'll have $1350 in the above parts and the engine. I look at the cylinder head work I'm having done as an added I probably can't include that work in the cost comparison to the MPI kit. I'm sure there is more that I have missed in the above list, so any suggestions or thoughts are much appreciated! Slowly but surely...

                    1986 CJ-7; 4.6L stroker, balanced & blueprinted; 5" lift, 35x1250 MTRs, Poison Spyder Full Width kit,
                    My Jeep

                    Moab Rocker Knocker Video:shades:

