I have finally solved this...but thought I'd post the problem and solution for anyone whom may run into same issues.
When I went to smog my Jeep in January, I didn't pass, so I had a new Cat put on. Then I passed.
My running issue seemed to arrive after my smog. So my assumption was something to do with the cat.
The problem. When under load, my Jeep would hesitate, almost like cutting out. It happened only on the hightway, usually climbing a grade. Never a problem on the trails. If it acted up on the road, simply pulling over and revving the motor with no load cleared it up.
Well, not so this week!
I was with friends in Panamint Valley and on day 2, started having these running issues. We were in route to Golier Wash, so I told my friends it'll probably clear itself up. It didn't. I was heading home that day, so I just bid farewell, and headed out. Figured it would clear itself up.
It didn't
It took me about 8 hours to get to Mojave (115 miles). I was not able to get over 30 MPH, and it would cut out on me. It would only go, if I was very gentle with the throttle....but still not over 30. At times, it would die completely, and would only restart after about 2 or 3 minutes. It kept getting worse, and near the end, it would only run about 45 seconds. After a rest, it restart, and I would go as quick as I could till it died, coast, rest and do it again. It was like racing the desert tortoise! Oh yeah, no cell coverage!! I got to about 4 miles of Mojave when highway patrol got behind me and radio'd for a tow.
He dropped me at the repair shop (closed). I walked over to Napa to buy me a new fuel pump. None in stock. The guy was nice enough to call their competitior for me. None in stock. So, I purchased an electric pump, and about 6 feet of fuel hose. Put it together. Fired right up. Got back out on the highway, DIED.
I had a new fuel filter, but I bypassed it anyway. It ran about 45 seconds and died. When I went to put the fuel filter back on, I had no gas leaking, as it always did. I disconnected the fuel like to the pump, dry.
Well, long story short...the fuel line leaving the tank had a pin hole leak in it. It was like trying to drink soda through a straw that has a little hole in it. Suck too hard, and you get nothing but air.
It cost me $97 in labor to have the tank dropped. I had no means of doing so without a floor jack.
Hindsight being 20/20. I could have spent $10 on a long length of fuel hose and ran it from my gas can on the bumper to the fuel pump and made it home on the 5 gallons!
Sorry for the ramble
When I went to smog my Jeep in January, I didn't pass, so I had a new Cat put on. Then I passed.
My running issue seemed to arrive after my smog. So my assumption was something to do with the cat.
The problem. When under load, my Jeep would hesitate, almost like cutting out. It happened only on the hightway, usually climbing a grade. Never a problem on the trails. If it acted up on the road, simply pulling over and revving the motor with no load cleared it up.
Well, not so this week!
I was with friends in Panamint Valley and on day 2, started having these running issues. We were in route to Golier Wash, so I told my friends it'll probably clear itself up. It didn't. I was heading home that day, so I just bid farewell, and headed out. Figured it would clear itself up.
It didn't
It took me about 8 hours to get to Mojave (115 miles). I was not able to get over 30 MPH, and it would cut out on me. It would only go, if I was very gentle with the throttle....but still not over 30. At times, it would die completely, and would only restart after about 2 or 3 minutes. It kept getting worse, and near the end, it would only run about 45 seconds. After a rest, it restart, and I would go as quick as I could till it died, coast, rest and do it again. It was like racing the desert tortoise! Oh yeah, no cell coverage!! I got to about 4 miles of Mojave when highway patrol got behind me and radio'd for a tow.
He dropped me at the repair shop (closed). I walked over to Napa to buy me a new fuel pump. None in stock. The guy was nice enough to call their competitior for me. None in stock. So, I purchased an electric pump, and about 6 feet of fuel hose. Put it together. Fired right up. Got back out on the highway, DIED.
I had a new fuel filter, but I bypassed it anyway. It ran about 45 seconds and died. When I went to put the fuel filter back on, I had no gas leaking, as it always did. I disconnected the fuel like to the pump, dry.
Well, long story short...the fuel line leaving the tank had a pin hole leak in it. It was like trying to drink soda through a straw that has a little hole in it. Suck too hard, and you get nothing but air.
It cost me $97 in labor to have the tank dropped. I had no means of doing so without a floor jack.
Hindsight being 20/20. I could have spent $10 on a long length of fuel hose and ran it from my gas can on the bumper to the fuel pump and made it home on the 5 gallons!
Sorry for the ramble
