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  • Tires

    Yay! Today I got me all new tires! I got 31x10.50R15's. The really cool thing is that all 4 only cost me $438.00. I'll post a pic or two soon, I need to cut my fender flairs though, they kinda rub a tad.

    Redneck small talk:
    D'jeet? No, d'ju? Yump-to? Aiaght.

  • #2
    Cant beat my deal! 5 32X11.50X15 Wrangler MT/Rs for $220 bucks! Oh yeah!
    |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

    !!! !!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by utah_redneck
      Yay! Today I got me all new tires! I got 31x10.50R15's. The really cool thing is that all 4 only cost me $438.00. I'll post a pic or two soon, I need to cut my fender flairs though, they kinda rub a tad.
      You need to put in a lift kit before cutting. 31s can be done with a 2 to 3 inch kit and TC drop.
      Aloha from NorCal


      • #4

        right on now give us some wheelin pics. tired of just lookin at mine on here, oh and try not to do a t/c drop unless you absoloutly have to, i had one on mine im at 7'' and when i removed it there was no difference maybe a little hum but thats it, but if your vibrating then guess youl need it, if any of you need one pm me and you can have mine. Kevin


        • #5
          I agree with TC drop not being the coolest, butta gotta wait to do the SYE and CV shaft when more $$$ come in. So for the guy with the 31s, do the lift before U cut.
          Aloha from NorCal


          • #6
            Thanks for the suggestions. I have done a 2" lift but I still rub.... in fact I have all my fenders cut and still rub. I just deal with it for now and try not to go too hard-core, these tires need to last a while. BTW, what's a TC drop?
            MY JEEP ROCKS... DOES YOURS'?

            Redneck small talk:
            D'jeet? No, d'ju? Yump-to? Aiaght.


            • #7
              Its a transfer case drop, basically its four spacers and four longer bolts that go in between your crossmember and the unibody. It drops your transfercase so you have a little lower output angle
              |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

              !!! !!!


              • #8
                Utah......I f you are rubbing...when turning left and is the stops...whcih can be adjusted.

                Rubbing when you are "flexing" may require fender trimming or just removing the flares.

                You got 31s on stock wheel right??

                TC drop or SYE is about the vibe you will get at about 35 mph from the rear driveshaft when lifting.

                What kind of lift kit did U use?
                Aloha from NorCal

