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squeeling in the engine somewhere.....

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  • squeeling in the engine somewhere.....

    Hey guys, new to this board and stuff i have a 1989 jeep YJ. I currently have a squeeling noise going on in my engine it is not my belts or pullys... any other things it could be. As the idle goes high the squeeling also goes high. I dropped my oil pain and i thought it was my timming chain which WAS rubbing against the cover, i changed the chain and the noise is still there. If you could help that would be awesome just give me some things it could be and ill check it out.

  • #2
    Maybe a bearing in the powersteering pump, altenator, a/c compressor or water pump? Loose belt?
    :gun: My garage ain't cluttered, it's just cozy with crap.


    • #3
      Could it still be a water pump, power steering, altenator bearing if i started it with no belts on.... if so how do i found out which one it is, thanks for the help guys !


      • #4
        hey man, i see how u said it could be the powersteering,altenator,water pump n ac compressor bearing, but if i take the belts off and start it up will those bearings still turn.. because i took the belts off and the squeeling was still there.... thanks for the help...


        • #5
          Originally posted by wieczorek
          hey man, i see how u said it could be the powersteering,altenator,water pump n ac compressor bearing, but if i take the belts off and start it up will those bearings still turn.. because i took the belts off and the squeeling was still there.... thanks for the help...
          This could be bad, if it's a squealing sound that could be a rotating device most likely, oil pump, crank or rod bearing. Since you've removed the external stuff you may want to look there.


          • #6
            Are you sure it's not the serpertine belt? I chased a squeek for ages and finally changed the belt, it was less than 2 years old - and the squeek was gone!!
            "your jeep looks so hot!!"


            • #7
              im positive its not the belts because i just changed them.. is it possible to be something small or do u think it might be the oil pump, crank and ext .... thanks for the help guys still havent solved the problems lol


              • #8

                Next thing - isolate the various sounds coming from the motor. Get a long metal rod: screwdriver, rebar, track bar... Stick one end in you ear and touch the other on each item under the hood. It takes a little practice but it does work. Just be careful not to stick the bar into the fan, like I did :homer:
                "your jeep looks so hot!!"


                • #9
                  my uncle is a good mechanic (has worked at a dealership for 25 years or so) and he uses a stethoscope to diagnose bad bearings, squeaking, rattling, etc. in the engine compartment. Yes, the same stethoscope used by your doctor to listen to your heart...

                  and it doesn't require placing metal rods against moving parts

                  this might be a very good way to isolate a bad part without touching or dismantling anything.
                  03 TJ. It'll go 65mph...can't complain.


                  • #10
                    When you replaced the timing chain, did you install a new seal for the crankshaft? Did you lubricate the new seal? Doesn't sound realistic? HA! This very thing has bitten me in the butt (similar squeak/squeal that you are describing)....had to pull it all apart again to fix it.
                    olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

                    Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.



                    • #11
                      shit, i dont remember putting a new seal on the crankshaft i know forsure i only put a new seal on the timming chain cover. this isnt good lol i will be mad if that is the squeel..... if it was the oil pump how would the squeel sound like would it follow the RPM's like when the RPM's get higher the squeeling gets high let me know... it might be the seal i forgot on the crankshaft


                      • #12
                        eh man, where is the crankshaft seal is it behind the timing chain itself .. ??? or is the seal ur talking about on the timing chain cover. ?? thanks


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wieczorek
                          im positive its not the belts because i just changed them.. is it possible to be something small or do u think it might be the oil pump, crank and ext .... thanks for the help guys still havent solved the problems lol
                          Did you have the squeal before you changed the belts?
                          Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor


                          • #14
                            The seal I am talking about (the one I had problems with) is where the crankshaft sticks through the timing cover....right behind the pulley that is attached to the front end of the crankshaft.

                            If you didn't replace this seal, then it *probably* isn't your problem, unless you cleaned the oil off of it when you pulled it out.

                            This is probably the last thing you want to try to fix the problem, as you will have to pull the cover off to get access to it.
                            olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

                            Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.



                            • #15
                              We can sit here and give you all kinds of things to look at. You need to give us a little more info.

                              Like Aston said you need to locate where the noise is. I use the steel rod in my to my ear, You can literally hear the moving parts, piece by piece. By placing the rod on the valve cover bolts, bell housen, headbolts, bottom of the block where the oil pan is (from the top, not from the bottom of the engine). Place the rod on the non moving parts, sounds travels. When you get close to the area of problem the noise will be at its louds or the vibration on the rod will be at its greatest.

                              you can use a piece of PVC pipe handyman jack handle, to isolate the noise also by moving one end around the engine and listen with the other.

                              Once you determ where the noise is coming from, than we can help you out more.

                              I dont believe in being a parts changer.
                              [COLOR=Red]Semper Fi[/COLOR]
                              In Loving Memory of My Daughter

