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motor question 2.5L


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  • motor question 2.5L

    do i have adjustable rockers??? i highly doubt it but i was just wondering. my jeep clacks like a som b**** when its freshly started and i know its play between the rockers and the rods, was just wondering if i could tighten them down.


  • #2
    Not adjustable. Try some atf or lifter medic to see if that helps it. Other than that its time to replace the lifters.
    They are bleeding down if they clatter when starting but it goes away after a couple of minutes


    • #3
      c'mon, the 4.0 and the 2.5 both sound like diesel's when they first start up right?
      :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


      • #4
        I actually find the rattle of the valve train to be rather soothing......I figured that it was a simple by-product of a 15 year old Jeep.

        I'm not really worried about it.
        Money pit!


        • #5
          yea i know its a very common jeep thing. but to do the lifters i have to replace the cam too right? because they wear into each other.


          • #6
            Not necessarily, as long as the bottom of the lifters is not in to bad a shape ( IE the lifters did rotate properly) It should be ok to put new lifters in once they are in with some good assembly lube let the engine rev at about 2 grand for at least 15 minutes and you are good to go


            • #7
              wheres a good place to get all the parts, and how hard is this to do?


              • #8
                Start with a good part store or a local engine rebuilder in Canada, otherwise quardratec might have the parts also you need a good lifter puller some of those little buggers can be stuborn. You need too find the slidehammer stylem lifterpuller from KD tools


                • #9
                  Mine rattle too. I notice it at idle and sometimes when driving. I did the atf trick. Didn't work. But, the oil is now always REALLY clean after a oil change. So clean, you can barely see it. The oil pressure went up a lot on the guage too now. So, something was cleaned out in the process.

