Driving to work this morning I noticed that the engine light came on. I got the code to pull up by clicking the ignition on and off and the code that came up was . . . P 0431. I've been told that this is most likely an issue with my Cats . . . has anyone else had this issue? I've also heard that the manufacturer has an extended warranty above and beyond the factory warranty for the emissions devices. I also have an extended warranty thru Fidelity now that my 3/36 from the factory is expired. Anyone have any experience with this . . . what should I expect?
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P0431 - Check Engine Code
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I had that code about a year ago IIRC (or was it P0432?). Anyway, I cleared it and then it came back 200 miles later. I took it in to Star Jeep in Glendale and they said the cat had to be replaced. If it is indeed the cat, it is covered under federal emissions warranty (8yrs/80K miles). At that time I had to wait a couple weeks b/c they were on national backorder, but they took care of it.[COLOR="Blue"]If you don't have the time to do it right, what makes you think you'll have the time to do it twice?[/COLOR]
Originally posted by Lawrence View PostJoe,
I had that code about a year ago IIRC (or was it P0432?). Anyway, I cleared it and then it came back 200 miles later. I took it in to Star Jeep in Glendale and they said the cat had to be replaced. If it is indeed the cat, it is covered under federal emissions warranty (8yrs/80K miles). At that time I had to wait a couple weeks b/c they were on national backorder, but they took care of it.That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, aside from getting the shingles, everything is smooth.Weather-wise, it is even nice right now, we are in the high 40s - low 50s and everyone is wearing shorts and flip-flops and talking summer time. I think they are right as the bugs have started to come out.
The engine light is no big deal unless it is a continuous flash, and I believe that it then goes into "limp mode". If it does, it is serious, if not it is one of these Jeep quirks reminding you that the bulb is there.
If I were to worry about mine, I would never drive the Jeep. This thing lights up more often than a Christmas tree during the holiday season. I usually pull the code to make sure it is my bi-weekly P0122 reminder, then I simply drive it knowing than the next day it will be off. I am too lazy to replace my TPS, and since the Jeep runs fine, I don't worry too much about it.
As far as the cat being bad and throwing the code, do not worry about it. I drove mine like that for close to 500 miles, it is just that my mpg tanked, the Jeep had no balls, and it a that funky rotten eggs smell. When you get to the dealership, have them pull the code and if they concur it is the cat, have them order it right away.[COLOR="Blue"]If you don't have the time to do it right, what makes you think you'll have the time to do it twice?[/COLOR]
Thanks Lawerence . . . can you shed a bit more light on what you mean by "limp mode"? I took it out again today to grab a bite to eat and it didn't flash . . . I only noticed it flash those few time yesterday.That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Limp home mode is just that, when the electronic engine control system has some very serious issues it puts itself in a very basic run mode so you can limp it home or to a reapiar facility. It means it will not run well and seriously lack power but will run
Most OBDII vehicles, if not all, have a "limp mode". Basically, if something is terribly wrong with the vehicle, the computer goes into a preprogrammed mode. The vehicle will run poorly and you'll get horrible gas mileage.
Same thing with computer controlled transmissions. In general, they are "stuck" in 2nd gear, a bit annoying, but it beats walking.
All this allows you to "limp home" and get the car to a shop to find out what is wrong.[COLOR="Blue"]If you don't have the time to do it right, what makes you think you'll have the time to do it twice?[/COLOR]
Huh good to know. Thanks guys . . . gotta take off my engine skid this weekend so the dealership doesn't give me greif. Taking it to them on Monday . . . the dealership will work with my aftermarket warranty thru Fidelity so hopefully I won't be out too much cash. I know that Jeep covers the Cats for 80yrs or 80K miles . . . what about the O2 Sensors . . . do they fall under the same emissions policy? Hoping to install my new Rokmen Rockers too. These things are sweet . . . can't wait!!!That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Just dropped the Jeep off at the dealership. I tightened up the exhaust after noticing it was a bit loose when removing my engine skid . . . it's been worse and never threw a code so I don't think that was the culprit. Noticed a bit of a sulpher smell and a rattle a coulpe of times when it was cold and mentioned that to the Service Mgr who agreed that it sounded like the Cat. So now it's just a waiting game to see what they find during the diagnosis and how long it takes to get the parts in.That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Took the Jeep in this morning . . . talked to the service manager . . . he just called back and let me know that both the Cat and the O2 sensor are bad. The factory will cover the Cat and the diagnosis fee, but I'll need to cover the O2 sensor which is like 75 bucks . . . I'm going to call Fidelity Warranty and see why that's not something they'll cover . . . I'm not too upset as I was already expecting to pay 95 for the diagnosis. Now we've just got to see how long it'll take to get the parts in and installed.
***EDIT . . . parts should be in tomorrow...hopefully I'll have the Jeep back tomorrow afternoon!!! WOOHOOThat which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Originally posted by Schmo View PostI tightened up the exhaust after noticing it was a bit loose when removing my engine skid . . . it's been worse and never threw a code so I don't think that was the culprit.
Originally posted by Schmo View PostNoticed a bit of a sulpher smell and a rattle a coulpe of times when it was cold and mentioned that to the Service Mgr who agreed that it sounded like the Cat.[COLOR="Blue"]If you don't have the time to do it right, what makes you think you'll have the time to do it twice?[/COLOR]
Originally posted by Lawrence View PostYou may have to tighten it occasionally, I do on mine. For some reason it keeps getting lose, and I have a couple friends with the same problem.
That's what I had, rattle when cold then it would go away as it warmed up and expanded. Turned out to be the cat, O2 sensors were fine. Why don't you have them replace just the cat and see how it goes. If the O2 sensors are bad and throw a code, you can do that yourself easily.That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I have about 8K miles left on my Nissan truck warranty and I've been thinking about buying an extended warranty - 100k mi plus coverage. Can you recommend Fidelity?
Anyone else have any experience with extended warranties? Over 100K miles?SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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