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That thing looks even bigger in the Jeep. So, are you going to be able to tow a 40 foot motor home when thie is all done?
As soon as I get a tow bar mounted on my motor home and a good life insurance policy, I'll be in business. That's one thing about these SWB Jeeps--no matter what kind of engine and drive train you're running, they will still suck for towing. One of the reasons I didn't get into Jeeps earlier in life is that trucks are just generally more useful.
Hey Art, I finally looked up that .003" runout spec you were talking about while I was looking up torque specs for the flywheel and pressure plate. It basically concerns the flatness the flywheel and pressure plate. I didn't put the dial micrometer on them, but they look good and have worked great up until now. Even the friction disc looked great (replaced it anyway).
I finally won something!? Thank God--I'm not a loser after all!
YES SIR you have won an exclusive one of a kind recovery strap,er,rope.One slightly freyed 50'genuine hemp with home made re-bar hooks at BOTH ends!!Congrats Buddy
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!
It's coming along, but not fast. I had told myself that I'd initially bolt the stock skid back up, but I can't bring myself to do that now. Never did like that thing. If I had done that, things would be easy, but I've seen the potential for a flat, flush-mounted (to the frame rails) skid, and I can't let it go. Getting the tranny up high enough is not a problem in itself--it's the Atlas on the back of the tranny that's forcing things too low, as you'll see below.
Since my last update I've the initial assembly of my Atlas shift linkage and filled it with oil. The linkage will have to be cut to fit. The transmission housing limits how long I can make it.
I also made a trip down the hill to get rect tubing for my transmission support crossmember, as well as the special oil for the NV4500. Rancho Metals, it turns out, is selling off their inventory of new stock (as opposed to scrap stock) and not replacing it. I ended up getting 8' of 2" x 2" x 1/4" scrap, since that's the closest they had to what I wanted (2" x 2" x 1/8"). The stuff is heavy, but at least it will be low to the ground and I'll have plenty extra for making a ball platform for my receiver hitch. The special NV4500 oil (Castrol Syntorq 75w 85) cost me 5 x $23/ qt from the Dodge Dealer. Ouch. Chevy dealers wanted $30/ qt. Good grief. I could have gotten by with 4 quarts, but I wanted the extra, since the stuff's apparently only available through dealers and the internet. Did some food shopping. That killed a day.
Friday I put the Atlas up for mockup purposes. It will have to come down again so I can put the studs in the mounting face. I will also drill the tail housing of the 4500 so I can get as flat rotation as I can use for the Atlas. Here it is at an almost flat rotation (ain't she a beauty?), but still way too low for a flat skid. Oh you poor, poor Jeep.
I did a fair amount of cutting Friday night and Saturday morning to clearance the floor for the Atlas. What became apparent, however was that to accomplish all of my goals, I was either going to have to 1) raise the driver's seat by at least an inch, or 2) raise the whole body by at least an inch. I'm still actually considering the first option, after all, it would make me look taller! The problem is that it will leave me with very little room to raise the engine should I need to. The immediate problem with a body lift is that I am flat broke, and I'm tired of waiting for money and weather. If I do indeed raise the body, it will be by raising the mounts on the frame. I may reuse a couple factory mounts, but the others I will fabricate.
Here is a pic of the the bottom of the Atlas hanging below the frame rails. The floor jack has leaked down, and the Atlas has lowered itself a little too. Here it is hanging down about 1/2", but with no additional cutting, it hung down 1/4".
Tomorrow will probably see me (oh, wait, it's "tomorrow" already!) cutting the body mounts off of the frame. Oh what fun that should be!