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Originally posted by JeepJunkie Well apparently when i put the carb back on i didnt set it on all nice and perfect so there was a pretty good size gap on the bottom where it sits up to the engine. silly me so anyway it runs now. but its really rough and idles fast and dies pretty easily. Plus there is air and gas mist shooting out the top of the carb barrel. anybody know what work lies ahead for me?
Check the timing again with a timing light. Adjust it to the factory spec, if possible. Find the Air/Fuel mixture screws on the carb and adjust them. I was always told to do it like this: screw them all the way in (if there are 2) and the screw them out 2 turns, this should get you close. From there play with the screws untill you find the highest idle. The reason why its idleing fast now is probably because the idle screw is turned up too much.
Originally posted by Dukes69 Check the timing again with a timing light. Adjust it to the factory spec, if possible. Find the Air/Fuel mixture screws on the carb and adjust them. I was always told to do it like this: screw them all the way in (if there are 2) and the screw them out 2 turns, this should get you close. From there play with the screws untill you find the highest idle. The reason why its idleing fast now is probably because the idle screw is turned up too much.
I must have done something bad. Now i cant get it to start at all. There are 2 screws one above the other, but the book i have is crappy and doesnt explain anything well. It doesnt help if the car wont start and it says to set the idle at a certain RPM...well there is no tach so i dont know how i would do that. So how do adjust the two screws to get it to start, the book is unclear for the year and single barrel carb i have.:mad:
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
you might want to get a better book. My method of tuning carbs maynot work for this particular one, it was just what I always used to do. Find a good manual, Factory Service Manuals are always the best, and work the price!
Originally posted by Dukes69 you might want to get a better book. My method of tuning carbs maynot work for this particular one, it was just what I always used to do. Find a good manual, Factory Service Manuals are always the best, and work the price!
Alright I'll look into it. Thanks.
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
well its been a month since i posted here last, and i cant say ive worked on my jeep every day but i did work a lot. Ive screwed and unscrewed all screws on the carb and while doing that tried rotating the distributor, ive poured gas into the carb. So anyone have any ideas as to why it worked a while back and now it wont work? The most i get is the cranking sound and the occasional sputter of combustion then back to the cranking. What i find weird is that the most promising sounds come when i let off the key, everytime i let go i get a sputter that sounds like it would start if i held the key in. but if i do i get nothing special. Could the key be throwing something off, i know it sounds crazy, but i think the key is doing something funky to the electrical. Im pretty sure all the fuses are good except i cant figure out why the only dash light that comes on is the battery light, and it comes on whenever you hook up the battery cables even after a nights charge. Im getting frustrated especially since i want to start modding but i need to make sure it will actually run and be smog legal and all that crap. If you have any ideas i would love to hear em if not, your 2 cents works great too. Thanks guys and gals.
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
wow, I really dont know. Maybe there are some sensors or something that are screwed up? CPS, TPS? Its difficult to say whats wrong with out looking at it. Hopefully we're sending you in the right direction. Good Luck!
well talked to my friend, he came over to help, decided the key was shorting something out. So there was no spark while holding the key in but when i let go it fired a couple times. so i gotta start checking grounds and replacing electrical crap
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
ok FINALLY got it running...timing was off a bit, but now its perfect. It is LOUD! i couldnt figure it out untill i was driving it back into my backyard and my dad said he could see the grass blowing from underneath the car. So i got down touched the end of the tailpipe and it was not hot at all...only a bit warm and i had been running it for a long enough to where it should be warm. looked at the muffler and there is a hole about 5 inches across and an ich high right in the seam of the back of the muffler, so that exlpains the noise. Now, it dies extremely easily and if i dont give it a little gas it will just poop out. it also doesnt run very smooth...runs a little sputters almost dies then picks up agian. It must be the carb. how should i clean it, tune it, set it up so it gives the gas and air in a better mixture. I know the screws are there but what else can i do. Its a 4 cyl with a single barrel carb. Thank ya
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
ok i figured that the electric choke thing had a screw missing so it was getting bounced around and getting changed so if the engine ran a little bit i would end up getting to much are and it would die. So i found a screw and put it in. Now, its still very rough but if i keep the hood open it runs. As for when i close the hood after a few seconds it sputters unless i give it gas. Still a carb problem. Another prob i encountered was the fact when i turned the key to off it kept running, not normal idle but enough to where i was like "oh s%$&." but luckily it finally went off and died. So electrical, anyone know anything about that prob? Also what kind of carb do you recommend if i got one, and if i didnt would it be ok running with an old carb?
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
Originally posted by JeepJunkie Another prob i encountered was the fact when i turned the key to off it kept running, not normal idle but enough to where i was like "oh s%$&." but luckily it finally went off and died. So electrical, anyone know anything about that prob?
The problem is certainly not electrical. That is a condition known as "dieseling" and it is caused by the carburator butterfly valve remaining open just enough to continue feeding a tiny bit of fuel into a hot engine. Chances are you have carbon deposits in the combustion chambers that may remain red-hot for some moments after the engine quits running, and acts as an igniter for the fuel.
You need to get a rebuild kit for your carburator, and when you rebuild it, you need to ensure that the main throttle butterfly is adjusted so that it closes completely when your foot is off the gas (there are idle circuits built in to the carburator that will keep it idling with the throttles closed).
The only thing you need to keep in mind when rebuilding your old carburator is that the throttle body housing may be worn in the areas where the butterfly valve rods pass through the housing. This will cause air seepage, and make tuning the carburator difficult, at best. You will also need to carefully inspect all of the housing for any cracks, or other damage that could cause air leakage.
When you clean the carburator housing and other parts, do not use small wires or picks to clean any of the small holes and passages in the housings or other small parts. Soak them in solvent (Gunk is excellent, and can be purchaced in gallon cans and come with a small parts basket insde the can), and then blow the passages clean with compressed air. Wires and even stiff brushes can damage the ports and venturi openings, causing erratic performance and difficulty in tuning.
Remember above all else that carburators are not nearly as complicated as they seem on the surface. They aren't "Rocket Science', and they can be understood and mastered by just about anyone. Have fun with the project!
Thanks Paul. That will help a lot. I was planning on rebuilding it and that will help. Also i was contemplating just buying a new carb, any ideas on what kind to look at. Also the engine is brand spankin new and has less than 100 miles, so could there still be significant carbon deposits? I guess there must be since it was "deiseling" Could this have happened by taking poor care of it?
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning