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So I got some anchors to put in the back of my YJ and realized they bolt straight into where my back seat brackets bolt in to. This might be an old idea but it made me feel like a genius today :homer:.
“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
-Gen. George S. Patton Jr.
Done. I used this and a bike lock to secure my fifth wheel and tire till when hopefully next month my budget will allow a new LOD rear bumper and tire carrier. http://www.lodoffroad.com/xcart/prod...cat=274&page=1
Those left standing
Will make millions
Writing books on ways
It should have been -Incubus "Warning"
Done. I used this and a bike lock to secure my fifth wheel and tire till when hopefully next month my budget will allow a new LOD rear bumper and tire carrier. http://www.lodoffroad.com/xcart/prod...cat=274&page=1
FYI, the LOD bumper/carrier is what Brian (not BlkTJ, Commandoman) has on his mall crawler. It seems decent.
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?