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I bolted the '79 Orville(Meyers) steel hardtop on my '83 CJ5. It needs to be repainted but the install is going well so far. The previous owner lost the windshield to door filler plates so I am making my own.
"Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xRtRE45OVQ
I got this top and doors on E-Bay for about $100. a couple of years ago. Good luck on your search for the CJ6 top. As I understand it the side panels are the same as the CJ5 side panels but they have a piece that bolts in to take up the extra length. Some of these had windows some didn't. I have 1 brand new never used CJ6 panel that is for the window type that came with a bunch of NOS Meyers/Orville parts I bought a few years back. I like the looks of these old tops.
"Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xRtRE45OVQ