A few hardy souls headed up to the El Paso Mtn's today to run Nightmare Gulch and then do some exploring. On the way, we drove through a little rain squall between Mojave and Jawbone, was treated to a spectacular rainbow where you could see both ends. Really cool, but I don't have a picture of that....
Weather was nice, but windy and really cold in a couple of spots, toward Mormon Gulch on the east end, and on one of the peaks above Burro Schmidt Tunnel at around 4300 elevation. Otherwise it was terrific. When we got to Jawbone Station the lady said, "be careful, there's lots of reports of rock slides making the trails harder" Woohoo!
In reality, not too bad. Trail changes a bit each time its run, this time was no different, but no harder and still quite passable. We ran all the way through to Opal Canyon instead of taking Exit Hill. That second half of the trail is rumored to be closed, but the only signs in existence say it's open, so we enjoyed it.
Took a new-to-me short cut from near Camp Cudahy due east towards Burro Schmidt. Ended up climbing way up some of those higher peaks to get there, and then dropped down right at the tunnel entrance, only to find the trail blocked off at that end. Doh! Would make sense to block both sides, wouldn't? I think its an illegal block. There's no reason for it other than to create more of a parking area at the tunnel entrance.
Anyway, after exploring the tunnel with all the newb's, we continued eastward towards Goler Gulch and then out to Randsburg and home via 395. It was a 13 hour round trip, and a really nice day.
Thanks Guys!
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Weather was nice, but windy and really cold in a couple of spots, toward Mormon Gulch on the east end, and on one of the peaks above Burro Schmidt Tunnel at around 4300 elevation. Otherwise it was terrific. When we got to Jawbone Station the lady said, "be careful, there's lots of reports of rock slides making the trails harder" Woohoo!
In reality, not too bad. Trail changes a bit each time its run, this time was no different, but no harder and still quite passable. We ran all the way through to Opal Canyon instead of taking Exit Hill. That second half of the trail is rumored to be closed, but the only signs in existence say it's open, so we enjoyed it.
Took a new-to-me short cut from near Camp Cudahy due east towards Burro Schmidt. Ended up climbing way up some of those higher peaks to get there, and then dropped down right at the tunnel entrance, only to find the trail blocked off at that end. Doh! Would make sense to block both sides, wouldn't? I think its an illegal block. There's no reason for it other than to create more of a parking area at the tunnel entrance.
Anyway, after exploring the tunnel with all the newb's, we continued eastward towards Goler Gulch and then out to Randsburg and home via 395. It was a 13 hour round trip, and a really nice day.
Thanks Guys!
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