ive been away for too long, soo busy!! heres an update! well i got a new job, so ive been dumping lots into me jeep
. i got new tires, new rims, a bikinitop, new lights, raceseats on order (with 4 point harness),and ive got some wicked hoodscoops on order aswell!, designing a new bumper, coldair and tb spacer are done, new water pump, clutch, powersteering pump, brakes, exhaust, painted the underneath with rustpaint and rocker guard, sound system is half way done, and i have some window tint to cut out "hillbilly deluxe" and put it on my windsheild, cause i think it will look unreal!, i got a jeep trunk and put that in, solid investment right there, mirror relocation brackets for the doors off action. and i think thats about all ive done in the last couple of months. i have some before pics and some afters, i will load asap i promise!!! i just gotta figure out that photbucket thingy. i havent even gone out yet seriously with the new tires, just a little rock climbing in some gravel pits like you cali folk, gotta hit some mud but i was keepin her clean for the paint! if it wasnt for ya'll at mjr i wouldnt have ever had the drive to do anything, you guys really inspired me to attempt projects i had no idea how to do, but thanks to ya'll my jeep is sweet and my mechanical skills have skyrocketed, i did everything except the exhaust myself! and boy does that ever keep the price down! anyways, i just finally had time to sit down and toss out an update. sorry for the gigantic run on sentances. im just so excited. anyways, im back and cant wait to tlak about my number one love in life, jeeps!!
Hurricane out

Hurricane out