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Corral Canyon New Trail


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  • Trail Report: Corral Canyon New Trail

    Today, we had 3 JustRuns, 1 SCUFF, and 5 TDS members on our end of the new trail extension off of the Gunslinger Trail at Corral Canyon. Today's work consisted of a lot of digging and cutting of brush as well as pulling out Manzanita stumps. All of it hard, physical. There were about 8 people working on the other end of the new trail working in our direction (yes, burning the candle at both ends). So approx 17 total workers.. Took about 4-5 hours to clear about 150 ft. of trail. Even with all that help we still aren't seeing the other crew work towards us. Once the trail is completed, it should be a challenging 3+ to 4 level of difficulty trail.

    The next time TDS forms a work party to do trail work, hopefully we can recruit more people to help as these trails are for all to enjoy..
    I'll post up the next trail clearing date.

  • #2
    Wow, I just saw this and it's been up for while. Looks like a lot of work is being done. Thanks for the effort. Have you posted here for future work days? i'd like to get in on of them. I love that area.
    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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    • #3
      Were is this located? City area/ off what freeway.


      • #4
        Your hard work will be much appreciated. That's one of my favorite spots to go wheel'n. If I have time I'd be glad to lend a hand. I'll look for your next post of a work day.
        It was like that when I got here.


        • #5
          New Trail

          We go out once a month to clear as much as we can. We generally put in 3-4 hours. We could use some young people out there. We did clear about 200 feet at the end I was working. Being I was the oldest out there (73) I got to operate the winch. I will post the next date as soon as I find out. We appreciate all the help we can get.
          Just to get to the area we are clearing does require a little technical skill. Going to be a good trail.
          For those who might be intrested it is off HWY 8 going East(from San Diego),at the Buckham Road exit the right to wards Lake Morena. The road to Coral Canyon is just after the fire station.


          • #6
            I would not mind helping out. Keep us updated on the dates.

            Thanks, Fred


            • #7
              Ill be looking keeping an eye out for the next work day.
              Those left standing
              Will make millions
              Writing books on ways
              It should have been
              -Incubus "Warning"


              • #8
                Coral Canyon

                Dec. is a busy month for TDS. Not sure when our next work date will be. I'll let you know as soon as they tell me.

