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Willow Creek & Dishpan Springs


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  • Trail Report: Willow Creek & Dishpan Springs

    [CENTER]2010 OAUSA SummerFest & Field Day
    June 25 - 27, 2010

    [COLOR="Red"]Willow Creek & Dishpan Springs Run Report[/COLOR][/CENTER]

    This year's SummerFest was a blast and I was more than happy to lead a few trail runs over the weekend. On Saturday, the 26th my wife and I arrived at the Big Bear Discovery Center a little before 9am. A short while later, Braden showed up followed by Willie, Chazz and Jon. That made for three Jeep Wranglers (YJ, TJ & JK), one Toyota 4Runner and a Land Rover Discovery. Soon we were on the road heading west on Hwy 18 to the 173 and onto Willow Creek Road. The first part of the trail travels through some scenery burned over by the Willow Creek Fire in 1999. Recovery is slow and some parts of the landscape are still blackened and bare. After airing down at the OHV Pinnacles Staging Area we followed the rutted trail down to Willow Creek, which we had fun crossing while the girls took pictures.

    Our route passed through forest and open meadows along one of the main routes through a popular OHV area in San Bernardino National Forest. The more difficult parts consist of weathered trails with severe holes, ruts, and off-camber sections. We ran into quite a few ATV's, or "sand fleas" as they were called. Some of whom passed by us rather recklessly. Dishpan Springs, the last black-rated section of our run, was extremely rocky and boulder-strewn. Halfway through this trail is a very steep, rocky climb often called the "waterfall". It was here where Jon had some issues getting his 4Runner through the boulders. So rather than risk breaking something he and Chazz turned back to exit the trail. The remaining three Jeeps continued on through some fairly deep ruts to the end of the trail. If time permitted, the plan was for everyone to regroup and run Gold Mountain. By the time we reached paved Green Valley Lake Road it was past 4pm so we decided to head on back to camp in time for the potluck.
    Route Overview

    Lots of flowers along the way.

    Airing down at the staging area.

    Coming down 3N34.

    (Picture from Chazz.)

    Willow Creek crossing.




    One of the hill climbs.

    Braden was the first up the waterfall in case anyone had any problems.

    He made it look easy.

    My turn.

    Later that night we enjoyed the campfire at Coon Creek Camp.

    Another group did a two day backpack trip up to summit San Jacinto Peak in Idyllwild, CA. I'll post up that link when it comes up.