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Ventura County Off-Road Show


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  • Organized Event: Ventura County Off-Road Show

    The Ventura County Off-Road Show has been postponed until 2011.

    I would like to apologize to the vendors and exhibitors that have supported this first year event, and to the local organizations that have promoted this event up to this point.

    With less than our anticipated number of vendors and exhibits, it would be unfair to the attending public and paid vendors to continue on. Postponing the show will ensure a successful event for attendees, vendors and sponsors in 2011.

    This decision has not come easily and it is my sincere hope that Ventura County off-road fans and industry professionals will understand this difficult decision and support the show once again in 2011. I am looking forward to bringing you all a quality, well planned event in 2011!

    Please check our site for updates and the 2011 show date.


    Courtney Holland

    Ventura County Off-Road Show Promoter