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Idtt #5


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  • #16
    Originally posted by smack2020 View Post
    Is this Rat Patrol ?
    any broken junk in that hole?

    95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


    • #17
      Hey Matt, the vid of Ky driving ROCKS!

      I have finally stopped drinking for good.
      Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


      • #18
        Mr. Malachi, you are a spotter extraodinaire. That was about the most fun I've had on a trail! Thanks for keeping me on all fours... or at least three.
        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
        -Margaret Thatcher


        • #19
          Wow! Happy 5th, MJR! What a great weekend - minus the sunburn. It was wonderful to see everyone again and to put new names with faces. (and/or letters of the alphabet, amazing how catchy that game was) I barely slept a wink all weekend because of the chilly gale force winds but it was worth it. (I love the tent heater!) But yeah, I'm about ready to hit the hay!!

          Thank you to everyone who came out to hang out with us - for everyone's hospitality toward each other at camp, and general courtesy toward everyone in the group. You're a great group of friends! See ya'll next year, but hopefully sooner
          :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


          • #20
            Originally posted by Shadly1 View Post
            Mr. Malachi, you are a spotter extraodinaire. That was about the most fun I've had on a trail! Thanks for keeping me on all fours... or at least three.
            Uhmm.. well I don't know about the spotting so much, but thanks. This part was lots of fun though!:

            I have finally stopped drinking for good.
            Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


            • #21
              yeah that was rat a few picks ago, and none of HIS broken parts were in that hole, we watched gatekeeper eat no less than 5 rigs in the two days we were there... But Rat was not one of them! and he did it twice now...

              The other pic is not a spotter... that's a BUMPER COWBOY!
              :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


              • #22
                Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Post
                The other pic is not a spotter... that's a BUMPER COWBOY!
                Well, whatever you call it, it saved me from breaking parts and leaving paint behind. It was a whole lot of fun.
                "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
                -Margaret Thatcher


                • #23
                  Saturday Night and Sunday

                  Just like last year, I had to work Saturday. Unlike last year, I didn't have to work Sunday. Yea!

                  Sharon and I showed up just at dark Saturday night. After setting up camp, we chatted a bit with the folks near us until Kodiak Spirit said that if we weren't doing a night run, he was going to head home. .... Uh, night run? I'm IN!

                  Apparently there were eight more folks interested, because when we started up the Doran by-pass there were 10 Jeeps in the line! For some reason, I was voted the leader so we climbed Doran with the lowest lifted guy in front. :bonk:

                  As it was, we ran Doran uphill and took a side trail to the ridge above Doran. Afterward, we headed around to the upper part of the Odessa Canyon. We then headed up and out of Odessa to the west side of Phillip's Loop. We went south to Kramer's Arch. I got disoriented in the dark a couple of times, so I asked others to lead after Kramer's Arch. Thanks to Mr. Dirty, we actually found our way back to camp!

                  Kodiak Spirit talked me into climbing the side trail to the ridge above Doran (HA! as if that were something difficult!) and that is a very cool trail! I hadn't been on it before, but I will ALWAYS run it from now on! I was able capture some night shots of most of the crew. My two favorites are Dr. Dirty:

                  And the weird "my Jeep is flying" effect that I somehow captured Nicolos (sp?):

                  After we got back to camp, most folks had turned in so we warmed by the fire before going to bed:

                  The next morning, only five Jeeps were up for exploring the trails. Desert Jewel was willing to blaze the trail as the leader with Justin (squared), Tony and his wife, Sharon & I, and Shad in tow.

                  We headed up Odessa first:

                  TonyB got close to the wall at one point:

                  But the best pic by far was the totally open diff Shadly1 catching some air!:

                  The washed out section wasn't as scarey as I expected from the pics. I backed out on taking the same line as Max and Rat Patrol from the night before. It just didn't feel 'right' for some reason.

                  Near the top of Odessa, we stopped at the Oregon Mine and hiked out to the site:

                  Shadly1 was an excellent tour guide. He has rappelled down into the depths of the mine before. It is a very cool mine. I plan to go back an explore some more.

                  Afterward, we exited out of the Odessa Canyon up a steep trail to the west side of the Phillips Loop. We took the trail back towards Mule Canyon:

                  This is just past the small rock garden on the trail:

                  On the ridge tops, it was obvious that the wind was blowing hard outside of the canyons so most of us aired back up when we reached Mule Canyon to stay out of the wind.

                  It was an excellent evening and day in my opinion. I enjoyed it greatly. I wish that we could have joined the rest of the MJR crew on Saturday but I am sure that I will get to live that adventure through all the PHOTOS that everyone took.... Right? ....

                  cheeep..... cheeep....

                  The rest of our (not main event) pics can be seen at this link:

                  I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                  Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                  • #24
                    Good people, good times per usual. It was great seeing you guys after so long. NIce pictures too. I did'nt get alot but here's one I got that basically shows what my perpesctive was sat night .

                    Heres some vid I got.
                    “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
                    -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by NAILER341 View Post
                      Is this Rat Patrol ?
                      any broken junk in that hole?
                      No broken stuff. But it took alot of "human Power" to keep the junk straight. It looks worse than it was. There was, however, some broken junk that day. At least one axle, a starter, some sheet metal. The Gatekeeper was 50%- 3 up and 3 out. And one of the guys that made it was on 33's. Good times.
                      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                      • #26
                        Stocker run

                        I didn't get many pictures on the "stocker" run.

                        Here's the start of the run:


                        My (Russ Chung) khaki TJ
                        TJ Rick (TJRick) Green TJ
                        Geeb (Geebo) Green TJ
                        Steve () white CJ
                        Crash multihued XJ
                        John () white TJ
                        Anna () red JK Unlimited
                        Matt (Matt2001TJ) Green TJ
                        Roger (Roger) blue CJ


                        This was Anna's first time off-road. Her JK has electric disconnects, but I don't think she was disco'd when I took this shot:


                        The rest of my photos are here
                        If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                        • #27
                          Well this was our first year for IDTT and also our first outting with MJR.( I must say we picked a good first) We wound up in a great group of 8 and hit the trail for all it was worth. We met some great people and have some new friends to hit the trails with soon. I have some repairs to make(possibly a new cluch)but was still a blast. About all that would have been better is to have been able to stay Sat. night and hit it again Sun. Rat as I'm sure you hear alot during these trips thanks for the help with my jeep. I was able to get her home and am dropping the pan tuesday to see how bad it is. Hope to see all of you again soon. Dan & Steph
                          An armed society is a polite society. Robert A. Heinlein


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by rat patrol View Post

                            Had a great time guys. Thanks... Now I'm going to die...
                            yup, 'bout sums it up... :yay:

                            "in the end... the rocks always win."


                            • #29
                              Was my 1st. time out with the group..(that big) was great, good meeting all of you...for those of you that helped me out on things..THANKS.. was way cool..lookin forward to the next time..Geeb
                              "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                              • #30
                                I can't believe we blew it, we forgot all about it. Looks like everyone had a blast. What a bummer......

