At the Feb 6 FLT meeting, a decision was made to separate Fire Danger (as
defined by NFDRS) from Forest Use Restrictions. This decision was made to
more closely align the Smokey Bear sign which states "Today's Fire Danger
is ____________" with actual fire danger and base the Forest Use
Restrictions with cumulative fire risk. For example, the Smokey Bear
signs were at LOW this week -- while the actual fire danger was much
higher. This issue will be addressed again at the March 6 FLT meeting.
Refer to the FLT notes for the background and rationale.
Based on the current weather, fuel conditions and predicted lack of
rainfall, Jeanne Wade Evans decided that we need the following interim
Fire Danger Signs
Effective Thursday, Feb 9, the Smokey Bear Signs will reflect the
NFDRS(National Fire Danger Rating System) adjective fire danger rating
level. This will result in potential daily changes in the Fire Danger.
This will require more effort to assure the signs are updated daily on
behalf of the FPT's and Front Desk personnel.
Forest Use Restrictions
Forest Use Restrictions will remain at the current level for now. This is
because it takes a minimum of one week to legally restrict Forest Use such
as campfires, area closures, etc.
Industrial Use Restrictions
Industrial Use (ie, logging, saw operation, etc) will remain under the
Project Activity Level (PAL) direction.
defined by NFDRS) from Forest Use Restrictions. This decision was made to
more closely align the Smokey Bear sign which states "Today's Fire Danger
is ____________" with actual fire danger and base the Forest Use
Restrictions with cumulative fire risk. For example, the Smokey Bear
signs were at LOW this week -- while the actual fire danger was much
higher. This issue will be addressed again at the March 6 FLT meeting.
Refer to the FLT notes for the background and rationale.
Based on the current weather, fuel conditions and predicted lack of
rainfall, Jeanne Wade Evans decided that we need the following interim
Fire Danger Signs
Effective Thursday, Feb 9, the Smokey Bear Signs will reflect the
NFDRS(National Fire Danger Rating System) adjective fire danger rating
level. This will result in potential daily changes in the Fire Danger.
This will require more effort to assure the signs are updated daily on
behalf of the FPT's and Front Desk personnel.
Forest Use Restrictions
Forest Use Restrictions will remain at the current level for now. This is
because it takes a minimum of one week to legally restrict Forest Use such
as campfires, area closures, etc.
Industrial Use Restrictions
Industrial Use (ie, logging, saw operation, etc) will remain under the
Project Activity Level (PAL) direction.