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Nike Women's Marathon


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  • Nike Women's Marathon

    This is completely off-topic, but wanted to share how awesome this event was. I was asked to volunteer at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco this weekend. Their were 22,000 who did the half marathon and 9,000 who did the whole marathon. 31,000 in total...only 900 were men. The 31,000 participants raised over $18.5 million dollars to go toward blood cancer research for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. There was a pasta party the night before with famous marathoners as speakers and one cancer survivor speaker telling her story. They had huge big screens in the auditorium flashing picture of the honory survivors, fighters, and the ones who had sponsors in their memory. There were 8,400 partipants, guests and volunteers at the party. It was huge! After the marathon, they had a victory party for the same 8,400 people with all kinds of food, bar, DJ and dancing. On the screens were pictures thru out the race. It was an unforgetable experience and a total honor to volunteer to help. Next time I will be a participant!