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Dishpan Springs and John Bull (Reverse)


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  • Trail Report: Dishpan Springs and John Bull (Reverse)

    Bruce (Bruce_P) and Scott (DoubleOh7), and my neighbor Craig joined me today for a nice quick run through Dishpan Springs and John Bull trail. The entry to Dishpan is quite sobering, with dozens of chimneys standing tall, with only burned out foundations around them indicating the ravages of the recent fires.

    We gathered up at the trailhead, aired down and headed on our way. We were in a small random group of shiny SUV's and a stocker JK that all turned back at the first little hill after the bridge, after that we had the trail to ourselves until the waterfall, where a large group waited for us to clear it. Scott took his JK4 on 35's with a 2" budget boost right up the waterfall so fast I didn't even have time for photos. Just drove up it like it was nothing. Bruce and I opted for the bypass, and Craig did too, but in the process, killed what remained of his old clutch in his '85 4Runner. Smoke was pouring out of it! Bruce snatched him up and through, then we proceeded on without event, once the group passed through. They had some carnage going down. The first rig crunched some sheet metal pretty bad, not sure about the 9 other rigs following...

    We had lunch at Crab Flats (?), then split up, with Craig nursing his clutch home, and Scott bailing for the Basketball games. Bruce and I headed down 3N16 to the west side of John Bull and cruised through just fine. It is definitely harder than last year, but not too hard. The west gatekeeper is a lot bigger, and that's great. It was too easy before. We picked up the usually assortment of cans and bottles, and did a bit of trail work blocking off an illegal bypass along the way. I think we went through in under 2 hours. Ran into Art (AW12345) along the way. Looked like they were having fun.

    I didn't take many photos today. None on John Bull. I did notice something nice today, a number of female drivers! At least 5 rigs were piloted by women, which is great to see.

    Here are some photos:

    Off road adventure photography:

    TreadLightly Trainer
    Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
    HAM - KI6PFO

    2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer

  • #2
    great time with all of you guys today. thanks for the great photos and great new trail, i'll be back there again soon.


    • #3
      Man I'm jealous. I can't go offroading until I find another job. It's killing me having the Jeep and looking at everyone else's pics.:bonk:
      2004 TJ X
      Callsign: KJ6DHG


      • #4
        Nathan your Jeep is more than capapble for clombing the waterfall. In a way its easier to go straight up the thing than snaking around the big rock still have to try and head down the the waterfall some time though


        • #5
          Nathan, Scott $ Craig, it was a nice day with you guys and I hope the clutch isn't too big a deal Craig. Thanks for a good day guys!

          Good work by Critter and the Waywegos crew on JB trail maintenance- its in great shape a real challenging right now.


          • #6
            nice pics and nice time out there!

